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Women Empowerment Volunteer Programs in India

4 Reasons to Travel Abroad for College Students!


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4 Reasons to Travel Abroad for College Students!

One of the best choices a college student can make is to travel and/or volunteer abroad.

The experiencing of living in another country not only changes you forever, it gives you the skills employers want.

There are several success-based reasons to travel abroad.

A full 97 percent of study abroad students found a full-time job within 12 months of graduation, compared to just 49 percent of college grads in general.

84 percent of students felt the experience allowed them to build valuable job market skills they could not have received elsewhere.

Many are taking the opportunity to teach English in India or sign up for rewarding volunteer programs.  In India, college student volunteers get life-changing reasons to travel abroad.

Savvy students know that study and volunteer abroad adventures vary in quality and meaning.

One way of ensuring your travel abroad means something is to be a part of a quality volunteer community that allows you to meet and interact with everyday residents who need your skills and learning.

What better way to see the world than through the eyes of locals themselves?

After all, connecting with other people in far-flung regions of the world is one of the top reasons to travel abroad.

Consider volunteering in India as part of a gap year adventure or college service opportunity.

Teach English in India — It’s a skill you already have

English is India’s “second language.”

Children and their families are quite eager to master written and spoken English for its usefulness on the job market and advancement in higher education.

By volunteering to teach English, you can make a difference in the lives of several children who can learn English grammar and pronunciation directly from a native speaker — you!

I can’t volunteer. I don’t have the money

Most of us have several reasons to travel abroad but we worry about the money. Visiting another country as a volunteer is a way to visit the world on a college student’s budget.

Unlike being a tourist who must often deal with tourist prices on hotels, restaurants, and travel, volunteers in India get to experience the life of everyday residents at the very affordable prices they pay.

Affordable. Cultural. Tropical. India gives you several reasons to travel abroad.

What India offers its volunteers from abroad?

With its warm winter climates, India offers students an attractive, tropical environment at a time when clouds and cold rule the college calendar.

By volunteering, you can learn a culture first-hand as well as meet other volunteers who have come to visit India from all over the world.

Volunteering in India will not be time wasted.

Traveling abroad pushes young people out of their comfort zones. It builds sensitivity to other cultures and prepares you for the globalized workplace that you will soon encounter.

Student travel builds confidence (and resumes)

To summarize, volunteering abroad looks great on your resume and helps you get a job. Traveling to India is more affordable than you think. Plus it offers a tropical alternative to the gray winters of US and UK colleges.

By volunteering to teach English in India, you can have an affordable adventure and teach local children a skill that they will value all their life.

Among the many reasons to travel abroad, none is more important than this — what life stories do you want to have when you’re older?

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Volunteer Reviews

This is really a fantastic organization to stay and work with if you are interested in doing volunteer work in India. The staff are friendly, dedicated, and absolutely know what they are doing. The range of options, setting, and resources for the volunteer work are excellent, and everyone enjoys what they do there and gets a lot out of it. Nikki Steninger, America.

Volunteer Tasks

  • Teach independently or with a partner
  • Work in schools, community groups or one-to-one
  • Be a role model for the children
  • Raise awareness of the need for regular schooling


  • Proficiency in English language
  • Organised and good planner
  • Enthusiastic
  • Cultural sensitivity
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