Welcome to Volunteering in India.

Teaching English Volunteer Program in India
Volunteer in India reviews
Barbara Gorski,


I traveled with a group of ten students (as their University Professor) to serve with iSpiice. Upon returning to my university, my supervisor asked me for volunteer in India reviews. I simply replied: “I have returned a different person than when I left.” The staff at iSpiice is simply amazing; they provided for our every need! They were gracious, patient and hospitable. Most of all, they were a fun group of folks to be with. Being 55 I experienced the trip differently from my 20-year old college students, and the staff ensured that all of us grained tremendously and felt engaged. They made certain that we encountered that perfect balance of adventure and support. I simply cannot say enough about this program, the organizational leaders, and the people I worked with in India. I vow to return!

Volunteer Programs India reviews
John Rodgers,


Having spent 3 weeks as a volunteer in India with iSpiice (North India), I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone wishing to teach abroad. The variety of volunteer workshops/programs balanced well with free time allowing me to explore and soak up the local community and culture. I also found the iSpiice team to be extremely warm, helpful and generous with their time ensuring all needs of volunteers were met. The absolute highlight for me was working with the children who had a burning desire to learn, My only regret was that my teenage daughter and I could not stay longer.

Volunteer Projects to Help Poor Children & Needy People in India
Amanda Addison,


As a mature volunteer visiting over my summer teaching break, I found it an amazing, yet highly supported experience travelling and working with the iSpice team. I was made so welcome in this small village in the Himalayan foothills, where I gained a great insight into rural life. Vicki and Bindu, our hosts on the ground, treated me like one of the family, cooked vegan home-grown food and let me watch their cooking secrets, such as; making chapati. The volunteer house has a great veranda for sitting outdoors communally during breaks and the evening.

The combination of teaching ladies in the morning and a walk home past rice fields, flowers, and lush greenery for a home cooked lunch, before a longer session teaching the children worked well. Both women and children were such a pleasure to teach.
In addition to teaching, the extra activities on the mini break, such as trekking in the Himalayan foothills, where we camped and watched the sunrise over Dharamshala. We visited the sites of Delhi and the Taj Mahal, which exceeded my expectations seeing the gardens and complex of buildings – making for an excellent combination of work and tourism. Varun, the director of the project, was superb at making sure all our transport slotted together like clockwork. Overall, a great experience. As an older volunteer you need a reasonable level of fitness to get the most out of your visit and tackle the adventure with an open mind.
I’m sure this visit will inspire my writing in the future!

Claudia Mckeown,


I cannot believe my luck in finding the wonderful iSpiice group to volunteer with.

I had the most amazing month last summer, somehow managing to experience everything from achieving learning targets with different groups of street children to visiting multiple famous and infamous stunning gems of Northern India.

The support you get and the safety you feel with the iSpiice guys exceeded all my expectations! As a volunteer you are greeted with open arms from everyone around as they are so very appreciative of all the time and effort you put in.
If it isn’t already obvious I 100% recommend this project to anyone who wants a indescribably unique adventure, that will throw you out of your comfort zone in the best possible direction.

Georgia Rodgers,


I loved every second of the three weeks I spent at iSpiice. The program is so well organised with plenty of choices and oppurtunities to volunteer and make a difference. The hospitality and warmth the team brings to the program adds an even more enjoyable experience.

A highlight during my stay, was the opportunity I had to work with the children in the slums. Each day they greeted us with warmth and an incredible desire to learn. The experiences iSpiice have given me will be one I will never forget.

Niamh Canavan,


“India at its best. Set in a beautiful rural part of Northern India the opportunity to spend time with families and assist with improving their education and outlook has been possibly the most fulfilling experience in our lives. iSpiice, especially Varun, should be proud of the work that they do as without their foresight and passion the opportunity to volunteer and assist would not be there. Keep up the good work!”

Pauline Bouis,


“For a long time I was looking to volunteer in India but I didn’t know which one to choose, then my friend told me about iSpiice where she had joined one year earlier. I spent wonderful and unforgettable moments during my stay in Dharamsala. The atmosphere at the camp was very good, everyone was very friendly and got along with each other. I will always remember the trek, the visits to the wonderful temples and the teaching in school. During the week I was going to day care to look after young children and the afternoon to teach English to girls in School. I loved each day I spent with the children, time was always flying, and the lessons were always too short. I was always looking forward to go back to the lessons the following day. The day I had to say goodbye to them was very hard. All I want to say is thank you to Varun, for doing everything to make us feel at home because I really did! It is now my turn to recommend iSpiice to those who still hesitate between all the organizations that exist, iSpiice is without a doubt the only organization where you can have an incredible experience in this incredible India.

Dawn Prasad,


“My days were well structured with Child Care in the mornings, Community Work (painting Child Care Centres) in the afternoon, then evening class teaching English to school students. The staff at the volunteer house provided transport to all work placements and cooked delicious meals each day. The volunteer house was comfortably furnished with hot showers, cable TV and internet access – all set in the most magnificent scenery of the foothills of the Himalayas. Varun (the Founder) provides patronage to local services/trades people with disabilities, provides food and support to families who are recently bereaved, and organises sponsorship of promising students to be able to continue their education. I took advantage of the Add On Tours and a highlight of my trip was the visit to the Golden Temple at Amritsar. I thoroughly recommend this organisation/volunteer placement. It has given me the confidence to travel to India again as a volunteer.”

Gillian Golson,


“My experience with iSpiice changed my life. It opened my eyes and my heart to a world that was so similar to mine, yet so different. I was able to connect with people on a human level and realize that despite our differences on the surface, we are all similar in that we all need healing, assistance, better education and a connection to a community. It broadened my perspective on my own life, and I came home to the States feeling like I received much more than I gave. It was also such an honor to be part of a global community of volunteers who were there for the same reason- to be of service and to have fun. It was well worth all that it took to get there.”

Amy Wipfler,


” Working as a volunteer for iSpiice was an enriching experience in many ways. I had the chance to discover the culture in depth, learn about Indian habits and customs, improve my Hindi language skills, make new friendships and become familiar with the Indian lifestyle. I was working in a primary school as well as in a local community teaching both English and IT to children and adults. Although it was sometimes quite a challenge coping with the absence of school material and equipment as well as the Indian teaching ways and methods, the smile on the children’s faces and their good morning greeting made it seem a minor problem. Besides working, through iSpiice I also had the possibility to visit various places at the weekends such as Manali, Agra or Amritsar. I very much enjoyed these weekend trips. I can highly recommend this project to anyone who wants to make a new experience. To me it will be an unforgettable one.”

Rebecca Spittal,


Volunteer with iSpiice was amazing Experience. Felt very confident in iSpiice, all problems were dealt with, food was great, tours were great, work was organised, people were friendly, accommodation was clean and of good standard. During my stay I met with wonderful people. The group of Volunteers were great and the iSpiice team were incredibly helpful and kind.

Sandra Mdo,


“iSpiice (Integrated Social Programs In Indian Child Education) is awesome! I’ve spent a month in Dharamsala within this volunteer program. I meet nice people; I’ve seen wonderful landscapes; I’ve discovered a country full of history, religion, love to share…The volunteer organisation was safe, clean, good atmosphere, friendly…I totally recommend this organisation! I taught English and Computer Skills to women and kids. I will always remember the moments I’ve spent with all of them…My best adventure abroad ever!”

Emily Kindelspire,


“iSpiice allows volunteers to see a side of India that is often hidden by tour books and guides. It offers a glimpse inside the daily lives of Indians as you work side by side – teaching, playing and eating. My highlights were painting/renovating the Child Care Centres and playing with the local children at Child Care. There was always enough food, accommodations were comfortable and the staff were warm, welcoming and approachable. Overall the experience was even better than anticipated (and the Hindi Lesson was very helpful).”

Liffey Speller,


“I really enjoyed myself here both the people and program’s have been interesting. Teaching in the slum was great experience. The kids are really enthusiastic and want to learn which makes the teaching less stressful and more fun. Having access to the internet to help with lesson plans was a great help.e and to have fun. It was well worth all that it took to get there.”

Claire Leiter,


“I am so grateful to have been able to support this outstanding organization. The iSpiice team is making a noticeable difference in the community and I am thankful to have been a part of it. I loved getting to know those who run iSpiice, working with people at the Program sites and feeling a part of the local community. My time volunteering with iSpiice has been 10 out of 10 – great hospitality, Programs and structure.”

Emily Hoeppner,


“Working with iSpiice has been a phenomenal experience. From its mission, to the people who run it, to the Programs we volunteer at. I’ve loved working with all the people behind iSpiice because they’re all nice, funny, accommodating and such joys to have around. Varun is so passionate about the Programs that we work at and that passion is contagious – I wanted to work harder to make his Programs a success. I’ve loved it all and am so glad to have had this experience.”

Juan Maida,


“10 out of 10! I had an amazing time, more so than I expected. The staff were super friendly, super generous and made me feel comfortable at all times. I loved the kids, what you expect out of volunteering your time and so much more. You get a family with the iSpiice staff and amazing bonds with the kids. Thank you, you all made me feel a part of something greater than myself.”

Sue Edwards,


A great experience working with passionate people who care about the volunteers as well as the projects. 10 out of 10 great staff and a good experience of Indian Culture.

Sam Wisneski,


Having been to India before, I returned because I wanted to have a more meaningful, less touristy experience. I got that experience and much more with iSpiice – 10 out of 10! I really enjoyed working with the older students, teaching Computers at High School – seeing their progress and getting to know them. I left iSpiice (and India) with the desire to more deeply understand the social justice issues that most of India faces today. iSpiice helped me to better understand and appreciate the power and the value of an education. And how that can elevate women and children, especially out of circumstances they may not have otherwise broken out of.”

Rhona Murphy,


The decision was made to go to India and the next step was to find a program. All I can say is that someone up above was looking down on me when I came across iSpiice. From the moment I sent the first email to the last final hug and tear shared leaving the camp I was enthralled. I cant describe the beauty of the place and the people .It had touched me from the very beginning. And as for the iSpiice team…all I can say is that I now know what living a life of a king or queen must feel like. They are people with the largest hearts in the world. I am in awe of their work and their commitment. And finally to all those who like me are on the other side of 30 and feel a little worried about spending time with younger volunteers let me put your mind to rest. Those who choose iSpiice are special people where age has no significance and the real person inside you comes out. Thank you iSpiice and Varun.

Max Poettinger,


“From the first day at iSpiice camp until the last trip to Taj Mahal my experience was perfect. Not knowing what it was going to be like, I could not have expected it to be that good. The staff welcomed me with open hands and hearts. Being surrounded by fascinating people, I felt at home from the first moment. Every day was a new and exciting experience, meeting new and interesting people and seeing rural India. iSpiice managed to find the perfect balance between teaching and helping the Indian community as well as showing you the real and incredible India. I really have to say thank you to all the other volunteers and especially the staff which made my trip so special. I can honestly give positive volunteer in India reviews and recommend iSpiice for anyone who wants to volunteer in India.”

Sophie Blake,


“I honestly am not able to fault iSpiice as a volunteer organisation, the staff worked extremely hard to ensure all my comforts were met and experiences were positive. The Indian women and children I worked with were absolutely beautiful, they were all so warm and welcoming and I feel in just two weeks I was able to become immersed in authentic Indian culture and community. iSpiice provided me with an enriching experience of a lifetime that I shall never forget.” “My daughter & I shared the iSpiice volunteering experience & it was everything we hoped it would be & more. We felt completely safe our surroundings and we were very well cared for. The students were enthusiastic & grateful. Although not necessary I would suggest volunteers learn a few Hindi phrases before arrival.

Sandra Blake,


“Well, how do I put four weeks of enriching experience in a few lines? I would not deny the fact that it was a challenging experience (taking care of the children at the daycare centre and brainstorming ideas of what to teach the students at the high school) but it indeed helped me to see the world and life from another positive perspective. To be an educator is not an easy job at all and thanks to iSpiice. I discovered this through my two week experience. I was amazed by the hospitality offered by the local community of Himachal Pradesh and the iSpiice team. Thank you!

Gege Fournier,


“My experience in India with iSpiice will remain one of the best experiences of my life. Being involved all day in Indian life is the perfect way to discover such a wonderful country. You learn culture, tradition and Indian ways of life and you share it with other volunteers from all over the world. Everything is very rewarding. iSpiice staff are so generous and welcoming towards volunteers and are always there to advise and answer your questions. Work is very well organised and you are free to propose new activities and ideas; you can choose what is best for you; child care, woman empowerment, school class… Personally, I felt very useful working at iSpiice, I helped and had many discussions with the girls and saw my class children improve their knowledge. I keep all my amazing souvenirs forever, and I will come back to India soon.”

Lucy Flannery,


Travelling alone for the first time, it required a big leap of faith, a sprinkling of courage, and a lot of trust to hand myself over to something completely different and new, into the hands of people I had never met before, with the exception of a few emails. But never before has that leap of trust been so rewarded and repaid by such a life-changing month in a truly inspirational country. Volunteer and travel in Indiawith iSpiice offers the unique opportunity to make a difference through volunteering whilst at the same time visiting iconic landmarks of a fascinating country. The generosity, kindness and appreciation shown to me by the people of iSpiice and the local village Sidhbari, was like nothing I have been shown before. To know that I was able to make a difference by working with the most enthusiastic and exciting young children is a feeling that will remain with me forever. Days are never dull, and I had the privilege of working in a Day Care centre and teaching English to the local children. I was even lucky enough to teach in the local school! Despite being thoroughly well looked after by the more than capable hands of the iSpiice team, there was also the scope for independent travel, and to visit the local towns of Dharamsala and McLeod to explore Himachal further, for that all important shopping! The weekend trips were unforgettable. This was the most awesome, inspiring, rewarding fun month of my life – I have made close friends, made a difference, and thanks to Neeraj’s trusty and delicious cooking, can say I travelled to India and didn’t get the infamous ‘Delhi Belly’! An experience I’ll never forget and one I would do all over again without a moment’s hesitation – thank you iSpiice.”

Violetta Venturini,


“The best way to capture the essence of a country is to live and work with its inhabitants and immerse yourself in its cultures and traditions. For me it is inspiring and stimulating to discover and explore different societies and to have direct contact with ways of life different to my own. I have always been attracted to India, and in choosing to travel alone for one month I placed myself in the capable and trustworthy hands of iSpiice. What I experienced was beyond anything I could have imagined! The iSpiice team is exceptional. There is a magic at iSpiice that immediately made me feel like I belonged and was at home despite being thousands of miles away from everything I’ve ever known before. The selfless, thoughtful, generous, and kind nature of the iSpiice staff is overwhelming. The weekends are fantastic opportunities to travel and uncover the rich and varied landscape of India. This was a fulfilling experience and a unique and rewarding opportunity to be welcomed and immersed into a community where we are truly appreciated and can make a real difference. I have given to and gained so much from the people of Sidhbari and if I had the chance I would do it again without a second thought.”

Kripali Patel,


“The iSpiice volunteering programme awarded many wonderful experiences. I was fortunate to work with young children and adolescents who showed eagerness to learn new things as well as developing on their current learning. The way in which these young learners’ faces lit up after understanding and acknowledging what I have taught them – is the most joyous and rewarding feeling one could ever feel. Furthermore, the way in which the children behave and show appreciation towards you is also remarkable. iSpiice provides the opportunity to sense and support the development these children go through. Alongside this positive experience, other aspects of iSpiice also made the experience a pleasurable one. These included, the spacious accommodation – which allows you to socialise freely with other volunteers as well as spending time by yourself, the friendly staff – who are welcoming, organised and always available to attend any needs one may have, and best of all, the beautiful attractions the programme includes; the Himalayas, the Golden Temple and the Taj Mahal. iSpiice is not solely based on working and sightseeing, but also about learning about the Indian culture and language, as well as making yourself custom to the Indian lifestyle. In addition to all of this, what is even more remarkable about iSpiice, is that you have the opportunity to live with other volunteers from different parts of the world which means you can learn and share your worldwide experiences. iSpiice gracefully gives volunteers the platform to provide the individuals of Himachal Pradesh, with skills and knowledge that will bring their lives improvement leading towards a better future. Volunteering with iSpiice was an incredible, unique experience. ‘Saare Jahan Se Achchha, Hindustan Hamara’ – the Hindi lyrics translate into English as – ‘Better than the entire world, is our Hindustan’ and the experience with iSpiice leaves you with this precise feeling.”

Sophie Leech,


“Excited anticipation as I stepped off the plane and into an unknown universe of colour, sights and sounds, I can safely say that my iSpiice experience of India totally exceeded all expectations!! It was truly magical, with its fusion of cultural discovery, immersion into the community, rewarding vocational opportunities, and our own inevitable journeys of self discovery inspired by visiting such a breathtaking country. The landscape is spectacular, and from the first moment I woke up to those magnificent mountains, I could feel it’s magic. The riches of India were laid out before us, with the extremely well organised weekend trips and excursions which combined a sense of adventure and rustic travel, with a smooth, hassle free itinerary, where we were skilfully guided by our iSpiice team members, so that we effortlessly moved from place to place to enjoy all there was to see without feeling any stress from the journey. The people are so warm and welcoming, with such generosity, I felt I was truly experiencing the beauty of human kindness. Those I had the opportunity to work with and teach are such enthusiastic, open and inspiring people, that I couldn’t help but be swept up in their positivity, and with each day I found our work infinitely rewarding and appreciated. I am blessed to have made some friends for life and some amazing discoveries on my first, but certainly not my last trip to India. For all these reasons, and most importantly for the unwavering support and dedication of the iSpiice team, whose patience and kindness ensured that every moment was filled with fun and laughter to make our experience unforgettable, I would definitely recommend the iSpiice program to anyone who wants to venture to India; the ‘land where heart is king’. Thank you iSpiice.” Merci infiniment.

Dalton Neu,


“Working with iSpiice led me to feel more a part of a global community and become more aware of the work that needs to be done and the power of hard work and hospitality. There were no amenities or resources that I felt would have enhanced my experience – everything was offered and easily accessible. I was especially grateful for all the provided meals and hospitality. Personally I enjoyed working with the children of the slum, I found them very excited about learning and it was the most rewarding work. 10 out of 10 experience!”

Emily James,


“iSpiice is a wonderful organization. The staff members are caring and supportive of each volunteer, and the volunteer opportunities are wide-ranging, enjoyable and deeply fulfilling. It has been a 10 out of 10 experience – I’ll miss the staff, children and volunteer house when I leave. Thank you for a wonderful stay.

Ciara Parks,


“I really enjoyed being here and being an iSpiice volunteer. I thought everything was very organized and we were very well taken care of. I loved the staff at iSpiice so much! Everyone was so helpful and caring while we were here and made being away from home easy. I will definitely recommend iSpiice to friends and family, it was a great way to see India and volunteer.”

Shane McWhirter,


“I had a very wonderful experience that way exceeded my expectations. iSpiice offers a great mix of volunteer and tourist opportunities – working with the kids was very rewarding as was seeing their eagerness to learn. If you ask me, I will provide positive volunteer in India reviews. My time at iSpiice was one of the best and most rewarding experiences of my life, period.”

Michelle Graff,


“It was an awesome experience. The service was amazing along with the incredibly dedicated staff. I really enjoyed working with the children and families of the slum – they were very eager to learn what we were teaching. Initially I was worried about getting sick, but thankfully it wasn’t an issue with iSpiice, or in India overall.”

Kristyn Brisnehan,


“My three weeks of volunteering with iSpiice were more than anything I could have imagined. From the bustling streets of Delhi to the more tranquil setting of Dharamsala, the Indian landscape is breath-taking, and the people welcoming. The students I taught were eager to learn and very respectful to me as a teacher. Their enthusiasm and energy made each class exciting. The language barrier was easier to overcome than I expected with the help of older students and a basic vocabulary of Hindi words, provided by the iSpiice staff. The resources at the iSpiice camp were very helpful in lesson planning, and discussing lesson plans with the other volunteers was always beneficial. The iSpiice model is an ideal way to travel. Not only was I immersed in the Indian culture, I had the incredible opportunity to make my small mark on people in another part of the world, one not often seen by tourists. I returned from India a changed person. I am more aware of global issues, have a greater appreciation for my extremely blessed life, and face each day with a more positive attitude. I miss the sights, sounds, and smells of India, but I will never forget the smiles of the people I met, and more importantly, their incredibly large hearts. In my volunteer in India reviews, I must say that iSpiice will challenge you, inspire you, and change you. I will never forget my great experience volunteering in India with iSpiice.”

Jill Bertiles,


“I never thought that I would be brave enough to go to India by myself, but I am so happy that I did. iSpiice is such an incredible experience – it changes the way you see life and you meet so many amazing people along the way. India is a beautiful, crazy place and once you’ve taken part in this volunteer program you will take all of it’s kindness, adventure and spirit back with you. If you’re thinking about iSpiice- do it. You won’t regret it.”

Lea Smith,


“Thank you iSpiice for such an amazing experience. Everything was so carefully organised and cared for and the food was delicious! The iSpiice team is so dedicated to their jobs and everyone in the community is thankful for your hard work. The work the volunteers do is so rewarding and a big eye opener to the Indian way of life. There is so much to do in the area surrounding iSpiice and the weekend excursions are amazing, especially the Taj Mahal! I hope to come back and work with you again.”

Kelsey Brown,


“Volunteering with iSpiice was a beautiful and an enriching experience for me. I made so many wonderful connections with the amazing women and children that I taught. Throughout the 5 weeks that I volunteered I was amazed by the generosity and kindness provided by the staff and the people living in the community. Everyone so helpful, and took great care of me. I felt at home in the iSpiice house and loved learning how to cook with the house chef. The weekend trips were great! The Himalayan trek was my favorite! Volunteering with iSpiice was so much fun and a wonderful experience and I would recommended it to anyone who is considering volunteering abroad in India.”

Joshua Owens,


“I am so glad to have volunteered with iSpiice and there are many different aspects that make iSpiice an outstanding organization. For me though it is their human factor and caring approach, ensuring the well-being, comforts, interests and work-related activities of each individual volunteer. Staff has put heart and soul into iSpiice and it shows each day, so thank you for all that you have done for me. I know that I have picked the right organization and will always remember iSpiice with love. Thank you to all staff at camp, iSpiice would not be the same without your personal touch and commitment.”

Kamal Mohamed,


“It is hard to explain in words what an experience I had with the iSpiice staff in India. They were our guidance through a remarkable journey. Thank you so much for one of the best experiences of my life.”

Jennifer Matecki,


“The time I spent in India was beyond anything I could have imagined and by far one of the best experiences of my life. I cannot say enough good things about the staff and program. Volunteering with them taught me so much about the country of India, the people, and myself. iSpiice truly changed my life forever.”

Natasha Mansigani,


“Volunteering with iSpiice was an experience that will stay with me forever. The iSpiice staff made me feel at home straight away. They became like a second family with their warm and caring nature.”

Falguni Upadhyaya,


“The iSpiice volunteer programme is truly one of a kind. Not only is it a volunteer programme, but one also gets the opportunity to see some of the many beautiful landmarks of India. I felt very proud to be part of an organisation that helps to guide and prosper the future of our children of tomorrow. To say that it was rewarding feels like an understatement; I felt something unique. I was embraced with happiness to see how some of the children I taught at the primary school and the community progressed in their reading, writing and pronunciation skills in a matter of simply three weeks. From my time spent with the women and children, I came to realise that not many facilities are needed to make such a big difference. I was also lucky to teach some of the women and children from the community a form of classical Indian dancing called Kathak. This allowed me to create an environment of intellect and creativity. The iSpiice family are so warming, with such generous hearts. The work that iSpiice does for these women and children should truly be respected and applauded. What they have created is challenging, but remarkable.

I recommend this programme to anyone who would like to accomplish trekking the Himalayas, feel a sense a spiritual enlightenment from the Golden Temple and finally gain a great sense of satisfaction from teaching English and IT to the children of Himachal Pradesh. For me, three weeks wasn’t enough time. For anyone who would like to embark on this epic journey, it will prove to be one that is unforgettable, rewarding not to mention challenging but it will be the best time of your life.”

Margaret Pilling,


“I spent a month in India with iSpiice and found it a very organised and caring. My accommodation was excellent, l was always accompanied backwards and forwards to work (Child Care, Primary School and young Women’s Business Studies). All pupils were inquisitive and eager to learn. I was 64 years old and just retired and saw some fabulous sites including Norbulinka which is practically on the doorstep and McLeod Ganj Tibetan temple. Go and help, go and enjoy, go and meet some amazing people.” Thank you iSpiice and Varun.

Dharshita Vaghela,


“iSpiice by far was one of the best experience of my life and I would recommend anyone who is looking for a gratifying, pleasing, satisfying aswell as a real experience of volunteering abroad to go with iSpiice. The staffs are very warm, friendly and funny and they make feel at home. The project itself was very safe and organized. One is given the opportunity to form strong relationship whilst teaching with the community children and school kids who were all very friendly and eager to learn. The feeling I got when the kids smiled and when they progressed in their learning is an extremely overwhelming and rewarding feeling which is very difficult to describe in words. The time spent with the children will definitely stay in my memories forever. At iSpiice I was able to work on my Hindi language which improved over time and make new friends. The program also includes various excursions such as the Golden Temple, Trekking on the Himalayas and visiting the Taj Mahal which are amazing places in India to see. These trips were enjoyed so much. The three weeks that I spent in iSpiice was fun and I did not want to go back home as the time spent there flew so fast. Overall it was a wonderful experience and I would highly recommend it to all.

Solene Mo Sun Olounis,


“I spent such an amazing time within the local community. The Indian families are wonderful; the kindest and most welcoming people I have ever met. In the morning I took care of small children and shared good moments playing with them, bringing some activities: coloring, blocks and painting on the wall, in order to awaken their learning desires and imaginations. In the afternoon I taught computer lessons to wives and mothers from the community, which included lessons in Microsoft Word and Power Point. It was amazing how quickly they learned! Wonderful friendships are built with them so easily and you soon find yourself sharing endless close discussions and moments. I would like to thank Kanta (iSpiice guide) most especially for everything she has shared with me during my entire journey. My last words are for Varun such amazing people. Thanks to them I felt completely at home in iSpiice Camp.”

Tess Van Weelden,


“I would recommend iSpiice to anyone searching for a rewarding volunteer experience abroad. The program was very well organised and I always felt completely comfortable, safe and like part of the community. Teaching was challenging but deeply rewarding will never forget the children and women we taught English and IT skills to, and it was definitely hard to say goodbye! The included excursions are something you don’t get with other volunteer agencies and I’m so glad I was able to see the Taj Mahal and Golden Temple while volunteering. Overall, my month in India was really wonderful thanks to Varun and iSpiice!”

Madeleine Allen,


iSpiice was a great opportunity to teach and learn at the same time. It was beyond rewarding to volunteer in India and give back to a community that was so kind and inviting. iSpiice changed the way I view India and my home country and taught me so many things I couldn’t have learned from a travel guide.”

Anna Lusty,


“Volunteering in Indiawith iSpiice was more than a service experience- it impacted my perspective on the life that I live. We were welcomed, respected and trusted and I would absolutely return to volunteer if that is where my life takes me.”

Katerina Jansen,


Volunteering for iSpiice was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. From the moment you step out of the airport everything is looked after and the staff at iSpiice make sure you are comfortable every step of the way. Volunteering with the kids and the community classes was an immensely gratifying experience. I would recommend this trip to anyone who wants an amazing volunteer experience and wants to enrich themselves through the Indian culture.

Guillaume Tassel,


“iSpiice is a great organization and I am thoroughly satisfied with my time there. I really felt I developed a relationship with the children teaching English, and I actually felt I taught them something important and useful. I felt well looked after, and Varun really does all he can to make your stay what you want it to be. Before coming, I was worried about it being too sheltered but I found that there was a perfect balance between being immersed and looked after. The neighboring Norblingka institute and Dolma Ling monastery were added bonuses; Dolma Ling is one of the most beautiful places I have been to. I would recommend iSpiice to anyone looking for volunteer programs in India. ”

Ricky Biga,


My Personal experience is pretty closely inline with everything already said below in the other reviews. It will be one of the most memorable things you do ever do. You will grow as a person, you will have a chance to make and receive positive change.

However, a major thing not many reviews touch on is how amazing the iSpiice family is and how dedicated they are to the volunteers they support and the community the serve. You can see their purpose in their eyes, thoughts, and most importantly plans. iSpiice is vastly bigger than a volunteer based cultural exchange. As the success of the program grows, the impact it has on the local community can be seen. The numbers of people who get sent secondary school and college increases, the funding to build and run an orphanage become closer to reality, the list goes on and on. And it is hard and timely work, to make a difference. iSpiice knows that, and they are soulfully dedicated to make sure it happens.

It has been a year since I have been at the iSpiice camp, but every time I see a facebook post, my heartstrings are tugged. I will find a way to make it back, and I will continue to support them in anyway I can.

Philipp Greif,


Before I went to India to volunteer with iSpiice I honestly had no idea what to expect. In my opinion there were three main parts: The volunteering, the travel and the social aspect. The volunteering itself is fantastic I can promise that you will thoroughly enjoy it. Teaching in the school and slums is something that will give you a great sense of achievement, everyday I loved it and the kids are great. The travelling opportunities are also wonderful giving you a real idea of how big and cultured India is with trips to the Taj Mahal, Manali and the golden temple. Locally aswell the area is brilliant, almost every evening I would go on a walk for at least an hour as the scenery was incredible.

Socially the people that run iSpiice are some of the friendliest and most accommodating people I have ever met, also you will get to meet people from all over the world. The camp is lovely I was quite surprised by how beautiful it was and it is a wonderful place to stay. Also I must mention the food, it was fantastic and there is plenty of opportunities to learn the recipes or even cook yourself. With the volunteering you do you will feel like you are truly achieving something. I honestly believe that iSpiice is the best volunteering project especially for the value for money, worth every penny I put into it!!

I could honestly go on for hours about how wonderful iSpiice is, I would say if you’re considering volunteering to teach definitely go and join iSpiice. I was there for a month but I would say if you can, spend longer.

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