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Women Empowerment Volunteer Programs in India

Things to avoid in Volunteering with India.

Things to avoid in Volunteering with India.

A volunteering experience in India can be incredibly rewarding, a lot of fun, and can help you see an incredible part of the world for a small amount of money. However, as with all significant trips away in a completely different continent, there are a few things to consider before you go on your travels. In today’s guide, we’re going to take a look at some of your options when it comes to avoiding specific issues when volunteering in India. Let’s get started with some of the basics.

Giving up.

There will be challenging periods ahead when it comes to your volunteering experience, and when the tough times arrive, it can be tempting to jump ship. Don’t. People are relying on you, and unless you have a good reason – a bad illness, for example – you should commit to completing your volunteer work before you even leave. Avoid leaving people in the lurch!

Forgetting medication.

Unfortunately, you will get sick. It’s pretty much inevitable when you go to India, so to avoid any particularly aggressive bouts of sickness and diarrhea, make sure you bring some medication with you. It’s rare for a person to go to India for the first time and escape any lengthy period of travel without getting sick, so be prepared!

Skimpy clothing.

If you are a woman traveling to India, it’s best to avoid wearing skimpy or revealing clothing. While India is going through a period of open-mindedness, it’s still very much a conservative country. And it’s always best to presume conservatism, and then open up a little more when you find out about the area you are staying in. Ultimately, you will be stared at – a lot – enough as it is just because you are a foreigner. You will just be adding to the drama if you wear revealing clothes!

Tap water.

Moving on from the point about illness, you should never, ever drink tap water in India. It’s not like the water supply in the west, and you will often find that the water is full of parasites and bugs. Drinking the tap water can result in a nasty bout of illness, so always – and we mean always! – drink bottled water only.

Make a show of eating beef.

You can eat beef in India, but you need to be sensitive about eating this kind of meat while you are on your travels. Famously, the cow is a sacred animal in India, so you should always be respectful of your community’s traditions. Also, while we’re on the subject of cows, you can expect to see a lot of them – they pretty much have the freedom to do what they like, including hold up traffic on the roads!

The Monsoons.

Be careful that you plan your trip to India with great care, or you could get caught up in one of the monsoon seasons. They occur during different periods of the year in various places, so your best bet is to check beforehand. Don’t forget, the monsoon seasons can last for weeks at a time, so avoid getting washed out! List will go on and on about Things to avoid in Volunteering with India.

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