2 Weeks, Short Term Volunteering in India at the child care centers with iSpiice.
2 Weeks, Short Term Volunteering in India at the child care centers with iSpiice – (Integrated Social Volunteer Programs in Indian Child Education) Volunteer Program in India for Childcare support & help.

Cases of children being abandoned are on the increase, and so is the number of orphaned. These children need special care, they are delicate and all efforts are needed to ensure that they get to enjoy their childhood like any other children. There are a number of non-governmental and well as governmental organizations that have initiated volunteer programs to take care of the abandoned children. Most of these volunteer organizations in India depend on the well wishers and volunteers to run their programs. They aim at bringing up a loving and self responsible persons, those who are capable of living independently, take care of themselves and others. These children deserve to be raised in a safe and loving environment as well as a chance to make their own future. These organizations cannot achieve this alone, they need the help of well-wishers and people of good will. A lot of resources are needed, in terms of money, labor and materials; this is why they call for assistance. The organizations have been relying on volunteer ship to run some of the programs. They have benefited from a rich pool of expertise provided by both local and international volunteers. People have been volunteering in different areas, assisting the organizations run successful program and achieve the ultimate objectives, nurturing an all rounded person, one who can meet life challenges courageously. Several children who have undergone the program and emerged as responsible persons in the society are just some of the success stories from these programs
A chance to make a difference.
As an international volunteer in India, you can make a difference in these children lives, you can offer your treasured services and help raise a responsible person. Volunteer services in children home range from taking care of the young ones, teaching, assisting in income generating activities among other tasks that are needed in the homes. The beauty of it all is that you will be living with the children, these organizations have put in place accommodation for the volunteers, so the cost of the whole exercise will be cut down, allowing you to fully concentrate on volunteering work.
Different ages.
A home takes care of children from different parts of the country, and they are also in different ages. The kind of care required is varied, the small ones need attention and care, some of whom may be having health problems meaning that specialized care is required. If you are a professional carer, this may help. The local volunteers or workers may not have the expertise to do this, but your presence will help a great deal. You will not only be offering assistance to the kids but also providing training to the local carers. You will have come in as a volunteer in a children home but will end up offering training and skills to people who are caring for the young ones. It is such a fulfilling task, knowing that your volunteering in India will go along way in making the lives of the young ones better.