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Women Empowerment Volunteer Programs in India

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International Volunteer Programs in India by iSpiice.

International volunteer programs provide individuals with the opportunity to make a positive impact on communities around the world while gaining a unique cultural experience. One such program is offered by iSpiice, a non-profit organization based in India. With a focus on education, healthcare, and women’s empowerment, iSpiice offers volunteers the chance to contribute to sustainable development projects in rural areas of India.

One of the key areas of focus for iSpiice’s international volunteering opportunities in India is education. Volunteers have the opportunity to work in local schools, teaching English, math, science, and other subjects. The aim is to improve the quality of education and provide students with the skills they need to succeed in the future. Volunteers can also assist in developing teaching materials and organizing extracurricular activities that promote creativity and critical thinking.

In addition to classroom teaching, iSpiice offers volunteers the chance to engage in educational outreach programs. These programs involve visiting nearby villages and conducting workshops on various topics such as hygiene, health, and environmental conservation. By reaching out to communities beyond the school walls, iSpiice aims to create a ripple effect of knowledge and awareness. Another important aspect of iSpiice’s international volunteer programs is healthcare. Volunteers have the opportunity to work alongside local healthcare professionals in clinics and hospitals, providing support and assistance. This may involve tasks such as taking vital signs, assisting with patient care, and organizing health camps in remote areas.

In addition to direct healthcare support, iSpiice also focuses on health education. Volunteers can participate in workshops and awareness campaigns on topics such as nutrition, sanitation, and disease prevention. By empowering individuals with knowledge, iSpiice aims to improve the overall health and well-being of the communities it serves. iSpiice recognizes the importance of empowering women in achieving sustainable development. Through its international volunteer programs, the organization offers opportunities to work on projects that promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. Volunteers can engage in activities such as vocational training, skill development workshops, and awareness campaigns on women’s rights.

By providing women with the necessary tools and resources, iSpiice aims to break the cycle of poverty and create a more inclusive society. The organization believes that when women are empowered, they can contribute significantly to the social and economic development of their communities.

iSpiice’s international volunteer programs not only provide an opportunity to make a difference but also offer a unique cultural immersion experience. Volunteers have the chance to live with local host families, allowing them to truly experience the local way of life. This cultural exchange fosters understanding, appreciation, and respect for different cultures. During their free time, volunteers can explore nearby attractions, participate in traditional ceremonies and festivals, and engage in activities that showcase the rich cultural heritage of India. This immersive experience allows volunteers to develop a deeper connection with the local community and gain a broader perspective on global issues.

iSpiice’s international volunteer programs in India offer a meaningful and enriching experience for individuals looking to make a positive impact while immersing themselves in a new culture. With a focus on education, healthcare, and women’s empowerment, iSpiice provides volunteers with the opportunity to contribute to sustainable development projects in rural areas of India. Through teaching, healthcare support, and empowerment initiatives, volunteers can make a lasting difference in the lives of individuals and communities. Additionally, the cultural immersion experience allows volunteers to develop a deeper understanding of India’s rich heritage and foster cross-cultural connections. By participating in iSpiice’s international volunteering in India, individuals can play a role in creating a more equitable and sustainable world.

For information please visit: https://www.volunteerindiaispiice.com

How volunteers make a lasting difference in India?

If you are thinking about working as a volunteer in India, you might think that what you do will not have a lasting impact. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth and, as you’re about to discover, the work volunteers complete in India is of vital importance to the individuals and society as a whole. It does help bring change to lives and the people living in the country who are in great need of your support and others like you. Here are a few reasons why your work as a volunteer in India will have a great impact. 

Change The Lives Of Families 

Volunteering in India, you can work with street children and homeless families, benefiting their life in the long term in two ways. First, you can provide them with a positive relationship so that they have someone to connect and interact with. If you do this, the children you work with will remember your presence in their life for years. Who knows, perhaps you might even return in a few years to witness the progress they have made. For many, volunteering becomes a regular experience and the individuals form strong, lasting relationships with the families that they work with. 

Your work will have another impact too. When you volunteer in India, you will work with children and families, making sure that they have the skills they need for a better life. At the most simple level, you could help children to learn English. Or, you could teach families tech and computer skills. Skills like this can help them get a job in the future and get off the street and into a home. As such, your work could alter the life of a family forever, changing the world and helping them provide for their children. 

Save Lives 

As well as helping families on the streets, you may choose to work in the hospitals and clinics of India. Here you will be able to provide a vital service, helping trained doctors deal with serious injuries and medical conditions. You could, with no exaggeration, help doctors save lives and ensure that a child continues to have their mother or father around. You might think that the doctor is the main force responsible for saving a life or treating a medical condition. But a doctor and even nurses are only as good as their team. Many hospitals in India are dependent on the support and work of international volunteers. 

Building An Infrastructure

Volunteers also often help renovate old buildings and ensure places that have fallen into a state of disrepair are rebuilt to a high standard of quality. As well as ensuring that injuries and potential dangers are avoided, volunteers also help build a solid infrastructure in small villages and isolated areas. This allows an economy a better chance to grow and one day provides an environment where people can depend on themselves. 

We hope you see now that if you volunteer in India, you really could make a lasting different to not just the individuals but the country as a whole. 

Universal Children’s Day Facts To Show Why It’s Important?

Universal Children’s Day Facts To Show Why It’s Important?

November 20th marks Universal Children’s Day every year. The event, created by the United Nations in 1954, promotes awareness and togetherness among children all over the world, as well as the well being and welfare of children. Important things have happened on November 20th, including the UN adopting the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959 and the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989. Universal Children’s Day is an important date to open up the conversation to discuss creating a better world for children everywhere. If you’re unsure why it’s such an important day, check out these facts that show why it’s so crucial that we continue to improve things for children worldwide.

Children in Poverty.

According to UNICEF, there are 2.2 billion children worldwide, and 1 billion of them live in poverty. That means that every second child is living in poverty, causing them to miss out on their childhood. Living in poverty can mean not having the basic necessities we all require to survive, from clean water to medical supplies. It might mean having to work instead of going to school, or even having no access to education at all.

Child Labour.

UNICEF says that in the poorest countries in the world, around 1 in 4 children is engaged in child labour. The numbers are highest in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as other areas of Africa, plus countries regarded as least developed countries.

Children in Conflict.

An estimated 1.6 million children have been killed in conflict since 1990. The mortality rate of children under five years of age is estimated to rise by 13 per cent during a five-year war. Many children in armed conflict are taken advantage of, and forced to be child soldiers. According to a UN report, over 8,000 children were killed and maimed in 2016 in countries such as Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.

Child Marriage.

Child marriage is a human rights violation, but it’s still a very common problem. Even in countries where you might not expect it to take place, you can still discover cases of it happening. Girls are much more likely to get married at a young age. In some regions, almost 15 per cent of women aged 20 to 24 were married by the time they were 15. Child marriage also affects boys, particularly in certain countries, such as the Central African Republic.


UNESCO says that 250 million children around the world are failing to acquire basic literacy skills. At least 750 million youth and adults can’t read or write. Education is a fundamental human right, but too many children don’t have access to the education they need and might not even be able to complete primary education. Education has been a key issue for children’s rights for a long time, but there is still a long way to go to improve things.

Universal Children’s Day is an important event because it gives everyone an opportunity to address these big issues affecting children around the world today.


What You Should Know About Volunteering with Children in India?

What You Should Know About Volunteering with Children in India?

Volunteer in India

So, you like the idea of using your spare time to volunteer with children in India? That is a noble gesture and something for which your friends should congratulate you. However, it’s essential that you learn the ins and outs of the process before you arrive in the country. Volunteering with children is often different when compared to working with adults. While the company you select should provide training, there is some information below that you might like to consider. The advice will help to make sure your time in India volunteering with children goes as smoothly as possible.

Children in India are poor.

There is no getting away from the fact that children living in India’s slums are some of the poorest people in the world. They might have to wear the same clothing for months, and they struggle to put food on the table at the end of the day. The issue is that many people grow up in these areas and never manage to better themselves. So, the situation is somewhat of a cycle that volunteers can break with the right attitude and approach. The children in India don’t want your money, but they do require your time and assistance. Your contribution could assist them in working their way out of poverty.

Children in India lack education.

Some of the poorest children in India never have the opportunity to go to school and increase their education. That is a real problem because it means those born in the slums will never work their way towards prosperity. As a volunteer, your role is to provide those young people with some hope and encourage them to follow their dreams. If you help one member of a family to start a business or get into school; you could improve the lives of many others too.

Children in India are bright and intelligent.

While many children have no opportunities to access education, many volunteers who visited India in the past say that young people in this nation are some of the brightest and most intelligent on the planet. So, it’s just their circumstances that stop those children from reaching success and improving their lives. Volunteering with children in India is a life-changing experience, and your contribution could help some of those young people to turn their talents into something that will lift their families out of the slums.

It’s vital that you learn as much as possible about India and the children who live there before you visit the nation as a volunteer. The information from this article should manage to shed some light on the situation. However, there is always more to learn, and so you should read as many posts of this nature as possible before your arrival date. Failure to do that could mean you fail to make the most out of your experience, and that would be a real shame. You’re doing something amazing by volunteering in India, so be sure to work hard and make the most significant impact possible on every person you meet.

The Biggest Contribution of gap year India to Humanity.

The Biggest Contribution of gap year India to Humanity.

Thousands of students decide to spend their gap year volunteering in India, and it’s a fantastic way to make use of your spare time. Traveling the world will help you to gain a better perspective on different cultures, and you might even make some new friends along the way. The Indian people are vibrant, kind, and cheerful in the face of adversity, and your contribution could help them in many different ways. In this post, we’ll discuss some of the ways in which you could assist some of the most impoverished people in the world and contribute to humanity.

Teaching the English language.

Women and children who live in the slums of India rarely get access to education. That means those people struggle to raise their families out of poverty and improve their lives. English is the language of business, and it’s the most widely-spoken dialect in the world. If all people living in India could learn to speak English; their earning potential and prospects would improve. So, you might like to spend time volunteering in India at local schools or education centers. There are lots of volunteering organisations in India that focus their efforts on that task, and so you just need to get in touch with a reputable company.

Assisting with construction and renovation projects.

The Indian government does not release any funds for construction and renovation work in some of the most deprived areas. That means people live in run-down buildings and children have to learn in schools that could crumble at any point. By offering your labor, it’s possible that you could have a real impact on the lives of local people. By renovating buildings; you could provide those living in slums with somewhere safe and clean to complete school work and increase their education. You might also save some lives by renovating medical centers and hospitals.

Providing health services and information.

Disadvantaged people in India often have no access to healthcare or information that could save their lives. There are many organisations out there that provide medical services and assistance to those living in the slums and other impoverished areas. Lots of people die in India because they don’t have the basic necessities. So, volunteering in one of those health roles is guaranteed to make a difference for those people. You could help to stop the spread of disease and ensure nobody struggles with medical issues that doctors and nurses can solve in seconds in the western world.

Those were some of the biggest contributions to humanity that students can make during their gap year volunteering in India. Of course, there are other volunteer opportunities in India and plenty more to learn. With that in mind, you just need to conduct some research and get in touch with suitable organisations as soon as possible to start the ball rolling. Hopefully, you can organise your experience within a couple of months and start contributing straight away. India needs your help, and the local people are thankful for any assistance you can provide.

Things that make you love and hate About Volunteering Abroad.

Things that make you love and hate About Volunteering Abroad.

The volunteering abroad experience is enjoyed by millions of people all over the world every year. And while the commitment to making a difference in people’s lives is admirable, it’s not all sunshine and roses. Here is a list of things that make you love and hate volunteering abroad – read on to find out more!

LOVE: Helping change.

As a volunteer, you have the chance to make a massive difference to people’s lives, A lot of people talk the talk, but by taking on a foreign volunteer project, you will most certainly be walking the walk, too. No, you won’t single-handedly solve world poverty, but the children, young people, women and adults you help will remember you for the rest of their lives – just as you will remember them.

HATE: The big commitment.

It’s easy to say that you would love to volunteer and that you will be committed from the first day of your project to the last. But never forget that it is a significant commitment and that people are relying on you. When you work for a couple of weeks and feel like calling time on the experience, you will create a negative impact. Not only will you disrupt essential schedules, but you will also leave many people in the community you are staying in highly disappointed. Make sure that if you commit – you take it seriously.

LOVE: Creating bonds with people.

One of the things that volunteers always celebrate is the fact they make deep bonds and connections with so many other people. You will meet locals in the community you are helping, of course, and possibly change their lives for the better. But there will be other volunteers and travelers, too, from all kinds of places and from all over the world. They will be lifetime connections, and many will remain good, reliable friends.

HATE: It’s a challenge.

Volunteering is not for the faint of heart. The work can be tough, draining and demanding, both physically – and more importantly – mentally. Ultimately, you will be in a country with limited luxury, and even on days off, you might find the experience tough. And often, the levels of poverty you experience will stick with you and can be challenging to deal with.

LOVE: It’s great for the resume.

Most gap year volunteer travelers are graduates that want to take some time out and see the world before joining the workplace. And what do you think will look better on your resume when that time actually comes? Doing nothing for a year apart from playing video games, or helping a less prosperous community build water well? You can bet your next employer looks kindly on the latter, and it could be the difference between you and an equally qualified candidate.

LOVE: An experience of a lifetime.

Finally, volunteering abroad can be one of the best things you ever do. A lot of people report it as a life-changing and life-enhancing experience. So, if you can handle the challenge and commitment – why not go for it?

Things To Expect When Volunteering in India.

Things To Expect When Volunteering in India.

Volunteering in India is one of the most worthy ways of spending your time, but it’s not without its surprises. Many people in the west have certain preconceived notions about what their experience will entail, which is why it’s important to take the time to separate the truth from fiction when you are planning your trip.

India is a vast, wonderful country, but it’s also a country of polar opposites. Preparing yourself for what you are going to experience is vital, both in terms of your own mental readiness and in terms of the assistance you are going to be able to offer when you arrive. Below are three things that all people should expect when they undertake a volunteering trip in India, so you can be sure you know what’s ahead of you when you get on the plane…

1) India’s climate is far more temperate that you might be expecting.

There’s no doubt that India is, in general, a warm country. However, it is not a country of nothing but blistering heat, which means you will need to carefully prepare yourself for different weather situations.

Firstly, you will need to take account of the monsoon season, which runs from July through to September. Expect rain and high humidity if you are traveling during this time.

Secondly, you will need to research the region you are visiting thoroughly. Some regions, especially those towards the northern parts of the country, can border on being cold. It’s important to not just presume you’ll be in a hot location and pack accordingly.

2) You will see poverty.

Of course, when you’re planning to volunteer in India, you know you are going to be exposed to poverty– but few volunteers are truly prepared for just how severe the problem can be. It’s worth watching a few videos on YouTube to give you an idea of exactly what you should expect; while it’s not possible to fully prepare yourself, it does help to have a decent idea in mind of the reality you are going to be exposed to.

3) You won’t be working 24/7.

No volunteer organisation expects round-the-clock work from their volunteers; it’s simply not feasible, and these organisations acknowledge that there is a need for volunteers to experience some of the wonderful aspects of Indian life and culture too. So while you should prepare yourself to put some hard work in, there will be plenty of time for you to see and enjoy the country too.

This fact means that it’s helpful if you have an idea of things you would like to see and do in India during your time off. Research tourist sites and see what you might like to visit; any good organisation will usually have methods available to help facilitate day trips during your downtime.

In conclusion.

Volunteering in India can be the experience of a lifetime, benefitting both you and those in need. By ensuring you are fully prepared for the process, you can be sure of making the best of your time in this fascinating, breathtaking country.

Things to avoid in Volunteering with India.

Things to avoid in Volunteering with India.

A volunteering experience in India can be incredibly rewarding, a lot of fun, and can help you see an incredible part of the world for a small amount of money. However, as with all significant trips away in a completely different continent, there are a few things to consider before you go on your travels. In today’s guide, we’re going to take a look at some of your options when it comes to avoiding specific issues when volunteering in India. Let’s get started with some of the basics.

Giving up.

There will be challenging periods ahead when it comes to your volunteering experience, and when the tough times arrive, it can be tempting to jump ship. Don’t. People are relying on you, and unless you have a good reason – a bad illness, for example – you should commit to completing your volunteer work before you even leave. Avoid leaving people in the lurch!

Forgetting medication.

Unfortunately, you will get sick. It’s pretty much inevitable when you go to India, so to avoid any particularly aggressive bouts of sickness and diarrhea, make sure you bring some medication with you. It’s rare for a person to go to India for the first time and escape any lengthy period of travel without getting sick, so be prepared!

Skimpy clothing.

If you are a woman traveling to India, it’s best to avoid wearing skimpy or revealing clothing. While India is going through a period of open-mindedness, it’s still very much a conservative country. And it’s always best to presume conservatism, and then open up a little more when you find out about the area you are staying in. Ultimately, you will be stared at – a lot – enough as it is just because you are a foreigner. You will just be adding to the drama if you wear revealing clothes!

Tap water.

Moving on from the point about illness, you should never, ever drink tap water in India. It’s not like the water supply in the west, and you will often find that the water is full of parasites and bugs. Drinking the tap water can result in a nasty bout of illness, so always – and we mean always! – drink bottled water only.

Make a show of eating beef.

You can eat beef in India, but you need to be sensitive about eating this kind of meat while you are on your travels. Famously, the cow is a sacred animal in India, so you should always be respectful of your community’s traditions. Also, while we’re on the subject of cows, you can expect to see a lot of them – they pretty much have the freedom to do what they like, including hold up traffic on the roads!

The Monsoons.

Be careful that you plan your trip to India with great care, or you could get caught up in one of the monsoon seasons. They occur during different periods of the year in various places, so your best bet is to check beforehand. Don’t forget, the monsoon seasons can last for weeks at a time, so avoid getting washed out! List will go on and on about Things to avoid in Volunteering with India.

The Real Reason behind Working Abroad in India.

The Real Reason behind Working Abroad in India.

The concept of working abroad in India has become an increasingly accessible option in recent years. In the current climate, millions of people take the leap of faith each year. Some of them migrate on a permanent basis while others do it temporarily. In either case, it is done in a bid to unlock a brighter future. Temporary relocations may be a process of trying different places until finding a suitable place to settle. Regardless of the background, though, seeking new surroundings is never a random act of spontaneity. In truth, there are many potential rewards that the ex-pat might crave. 

The Benefits of Working Abroad in India.

Before making the move, most people will create a list of pros and cons. The negatives usually revolve around leaving loved ones behind. However, modern tech makes it possible to stay in touch, meaning this is no longer a valid excuse to miss out on those opportunities. Besides, there are many potential rewards to be gained. This extensive list includes; 

Learn new skills that can improve career prospects and life outlooks. Whether it’s understanding a secondary language or developing new ideas doesn’t matter. The experiences gained from working abroad can prove to be priceless in later life. Gain a better financial status. Some people achieve this by relocating to a country with better salaries while others opt for a place with cheaper living costs. Gaining a clear image of the full picture ensures that the best decision is made. 

Embrace a new culture. This can range from enjoying the improved weather to finding love or converting to a new religion. Either way, a sense of boredom or unlocked potential can inspire a change. Working abroad is the most explicit way to do it. The list goes on and on. In truth, though, they are just contributing factors. Ultimately, they all feed into one bigger idea. 

The Real Reason People Decide To Work Abroad Is…  

… That they fear the prospect of looking back on their lives with regret. There’s no doubt that the possibilities are greater than ever before. Most people now know a number of people that they improved their lives by jumping in at the deep end. Nobody wants to miss out on those potential rewards. Moreover, the fact that most people now have fond memories of travel and holidays provides further inspiration. 

Previous generations never had those opportunities. Without putting pressure on loved ones, they will often encourage them to make the most of those chances in life. After all, it needn’t be a commitment for life and people can always g back to their old lives if things don’t go to plan. In most people’s eyes, even this is a better solution than going through life without knowing. 

The fact of the matter is that most people gain a lot from working abroad. Whether it’s discovering the place that they wish to settle for life or learning things about themselves isn’t overly important. Anyone that takes the time to research what other people have said about moving for work will find that the good outweighs the bad. This is coupled with that desire to test themselves to see if greatness awaits. As such, it’s no surprise that those migration figures continue to rise each year.

Incredible Facts Nobody told you About Summer Volunteering in India

If you’re eager to volunteer abroad, you may want to consider heading to India. India is an incredible location for volunteer work, in part perhaps due to the fact that volunteers are so widely welcomed. Before you actually head over to volunteer in India for the summer, here are some amazing facts you probably never knew.

Second In The World

In 2014, Philippines was the most popular destination searched for by volunteers while India claimed the number two spot. Since it’s been a few years, there’s a good chance those countries have reversed in popularity but even if they haven’t that still means India is staggeringly popular for travelers hoping to make a difference.

Why is India so popular with volunteers? Well, there are plenty of reasons that might make India a desirable place to visit. But for volunteers, it’s likely due to the massive level of opportunities available for helping other people in this country. You can work in schools teaching English, build and renovate homes or even use your tech skills. With such a diverse range of options, there’s a chance for everyone to take part.

63 Million

That’s how many homeless people live in India today according to a recent statistic. Sadly, 11 million of those are street children. The high number is likely due to the fact that India has one of the world’s largest populations. Families search for jobs and when they are unable to find work for months on end, they end up on the streets, looking for food and shelter.

This is an incredible opportunity for volunteers in India to help those in need. Volunteers can teach skills to mothers and fathers on the street as well as the children so that one day they have the education they need to gain a better life. Working with young children, volunteers can teach the families games, read them stories and provide human interaction. This can be a life-changing experience for both the children and the volunteers.

5000 Years

People don’t just volunteer in India to help those in need. They also come to experience the spirituality that the country is famous for. Spirituality has a strong presence in the culture of India and volunteers come in the hope of finding a fresh outlook and a new perspective on themselves and life in general. It’s not surprising volunteers think they will discover enlightenment in India. After all, it is the birthplace of Yoga, a meditative form of exercise that has lasted for five thousand years.

Atithi Devo Bhava

This phrase is the tagline for the tourism board in India. Translated it means the guest is equivalent to god and speaks volumes about the level of hospitality that volunteers find in India. Many volunteers are able to stay with families while helping those in need in local villages and nearby areas. When you spend a summer volunteering in India, you will always find someone willing to support and assist you.We hope these facts have encouraged you to plan your own trip volunteering in India. Who knows what you might experience if you do.

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