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Things that make you love and hate About Volunteering Abroad.

Things that make you love and hate About Volunteering Abroad.

The volunteering abroad experience is enjoyed by millions of people all over the world every year. And while the commitment to making a difference in people’s lives is admirable, it’s not all sunshine and roses. Here is a list of things that make you love and hate volunteering abroad – read on to find out more!

LOVE: Helping change.

As a volunteer, you have the chance to make a massive difference to people’s lives, A lot of people talk the talk, but by taking on a foreign volunteer project, you will most certainly be walking the walk, too. No, you won’t single-handedly solve world poverty, but the children, young people, women and adults you help will remember you for the rest of their lives – just as you will remember them.

HATE: The big commitment.

It’s easy to say that you would love to volunteer and that you will be committed from the first day of your project to the last. But never forget that it is a significant commitment and that people are relying on you. When you work for a couple of weeks and feel like calling time on the experience, you will create a negative impact. Not only will you disrupt essential schedules, but you will also leave many people in the community you are staying in highly disappointed. Make sure that if you commit – you take it seriously.

LOVE: Creating bonds with people.

One of the things that volunteers always celebrate is the fact they make deep bonds and connections with so many other people. You will meet locals in the community you are helping, of course, and possibly change their lives for the better. But there will be other volunteers and travelers, too, from all kinds of places and from all over the world. They will be lifetime connections, and many will remain good, reliable friends.

HATE: It’s a challenge.

Volunteering is not for the faint of heart. The work can be tough, draining and demanding, both physically – and more importantly – mentally. Ultimately, you will be in a country with limited luxury, and even on days off, you might find the experience tough. And often, the levels of poverty you experience will stick with you and can be challenging to deal with.

LOVE: It’s great for the resume.

Most gap year volunteer travelers are graduates that want to take some time out and see the world before joining the workplace. And what do you think will look better on your resume when that time actually comes? Doing nothing for a year apart from playing video games, or helping a less prosperous community build water well? You can bet your next employer looks kindly on the latter, and it could be the difference between you and an equally qualified candidate.

LOVE: An experience of a lifetime.

Finally, volunteering abroad can be one of the best things you ever do. A lot of people report it as a life-changing and life-enhancing experience. So, if you can handle the challenge and commitment – why not go for it?

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